Source code for certego_saas.ext.upload.slack

import abc
import logging
from typing import Type, Union

from django.conf import settings
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiError

from certego_saas.settings import certego_apps_settings

__all__ = [

class _SlackInterface(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

    SlackApiError = SlackApiError

    def log(self):
        return logging.getLogger(f"certego_saas.{self.__class__.__name__}")

    def send_message(
        self, title: str, body: str = "", urgent: bool = False, channel=None

class _FakeSlack(_SlackInterface):
    def send_message(
        self, title: str, body: str = "", urgent: bool = False, channel=None

class _Slack(_SlackInterface):
    Slack client.

    token = certego_apps_settings.SLACK_TOKEN
    channel = certego_apps_settings.SLACK_CHANNEL

    client = WebClient(token=token)

    def send_message(
        self, title: str, body: str = "", urgent: bool = False, channel=None
        To send message to a channel.
        if channel is None:
            channel =
        message = f"*{title.title()}*\n{body}"
        if urgent:
            message = message.upper()
        message = f"`{settings.STAGE.upper()} INSTANCE`:\n{message}"
            return self.client.chat_postMessage(
                channel=channel, text=message, mrkdwn=True
        except SlackApiError as e:
            raise e

#: Slack Client
Slack: Type[Union[_Slack, _FakeSlack]] = (
    _FakeSlack if settings.STAGE_LOCAL or settings.STAGE_CI else _Slack