Source code for certego_saas.ext.models

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db import models
from django.utils.functional import classproperty

from .managers import AppSpecificModelManager, ToggleableModelManager

[docs]class AppChoices(models.TextChoices): ACCOUNTS = "ACCOUNTS" DRAGONFLY = "DRAGONFLY" INTELOWL = "INTELOWL" @classproperty def CURRENTAPP(cls) -> str: if settings.STAGE_CI: # in case of tests return cls.DRAGONFLY try: return cls[settings.HOST_NAME.upper()] # type: ignore except KeyError: raise ImproperlyConfigured("Incorrect HOST_NAME set")
[docs]class TimestampedModel(models.Model): """ Adds a ``created_at`` timestamp field with ``auto_now_add=True``. """ # A timestamp representing when this object was created. created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True) class Meta: abstract = True # By default, any model that inherits from `TimestampedModel` should # be ordered in reverse-chronological order. We can override this on a # per-model basis as needed, but reverse-chronological is a good # default ordering for most models. ordering = ["-created_at"]
[docs]class ToggleableModel(models.Model): """ Provides a ``enabled`` field and prevents deletion. """ enabled = models.BooleanField(default=True) objects = ToggleableModelManager() class Meta: abstract = True def disable(self): if self.enabled: self.enabled = False["enabled"]) def enable(self): if not self.enabled: self.enabled = True["enabled"])
[docs]class AppSpecificModel(models.Model): """ Adds a ``appname`` choice field (``AppChoices``) and provides ``get_currentapp`` and ``filter_currentapp`` methods to the queryset and manager. """ appname = models.CharField( max_length=32, choices=AppChoices.choices, null=False, ) objects = AppSpecificModelManager() AppChoices = AppChoices class Meta: abstract = True