Source code for certego_saas.ext.helpers

import re
from typing import Tuple

from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError as DRFValidationError

[docs]def parse_humanized_range(range_str: str) -> Tuple[timezone.datetime, str]: """ Utility function to parse time range given as a ``str``. Used in metrics/aggregation views. """ unit_duration_map = {"h": 3600, "d": 86400, "M": 2592000, "Y": 31536000} unit_basis_map = {"h": "hour", "d": "day", "M": "month", "Y": "year"} pattern = r"(\d+)(h|d|M|Y)" result = re.match(pattern, range_str) if result: value, unit = result.groups() delta = - timezone.timedelta( seconds=int(value) * unit_duration_map[unit] ) basis = unit_basis_map[unit] return delta, basis raise DRFValidationError(f"Invalid range. Pattern should be: '{pattern}'.")
[docs]def cache_action_response(*args, **kwargs): """ Decorator to apply cache to a DRF's ``@action`` view. """ return method_decorator(cache_page(*args, **kwargs))