Source code for certego_saas.ext.exceptions

from typing import Optional

from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import exception_handler

from certego_saas.apps.payments.consts import STRIPE_SENSITIVE_FIELDS_SET

from .log import LogBuilder

__all__ = [

[docs]def custom_exception_handler(exc, context) -> Optional[Response]: """ Extends ``rest_framework.views.exception_handler``. - Custom handlers for NotFound, ValidationError, AuthenticationError - Uses :class:`certego_saas.ext.log.LogBuilder` for JSON logging. """ # If an exception is thrown that we don't explicitly handle here, we want # to delegate to the default exception handler offered by DRF. If we do # handle this exception type, we will still want access to the response # generated by DRF, so we get that response up front. response = exception_handler(exc, context) handlers = { "NotFound": _handle_not_found_error, "ValidationError": _handle_generic_error, "AuthenticationError": _handle_stripe_error, } # This is how we identify the type of the current exception. We will use # this in a moment to see whether we should handle this exception or let # Django REST Framework do it's thing. exc_class = exc.__class__.__name__ exc_class_base = exc.__class__.__base__.__name__ if exc_class in handlers: handler = handlers[exc_class] response = handler(exc, context, response) elif exc_class_base in handlers: handler = handlers[exc_class_base] response = handler(exc, context, response) if _should_log(exc, context): try: log_builder = LogBuilder( request=context.get("request", None), response=response, view=context.get("view", None), exception=exc, ) # log exception in JSON format log_builder.sensitive_fields = STRIPE_SENSITIVE_FIELDS_SET log_builder.build_log() log_builder.handle_log() except Exception: pass else: # see django.utils.log.log_response response._has_been_logged = True # type: ignore return response
def _handle_generic_error(exc, context, response) -> Response: # This is about the most straightforward exception handler we can create. # We take the response generated by DRF and wrap it in the `errors` key. if hasattr(response, "data"): = {"errors":} return response def _handle_not_found_error(exc, context, response) -> Response: view = context.get("view", None) if view and hasattr(view, "queryset") and view.queryset is not None: error_key = view.queryset.model._meta.verbose_name = {"errors": {error_key:["detail"]}} else: response = _handle_generic_error(exc, context, response) return response def _handle_stripe_error(exc, context, response) -> Response: return Response( { "errors": f"Failed to fetch {context['view'].get_view_name()}. Please try again later." }, status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) def _should_log(exc, context) -> bool: """ Reference: """ flag = True view = context.get("view", None) if view: code = getattr(exc, "status_code", None) viewname = view.__class__.__name__ if (code == 404 or exc.__class__.__name__ == "Http404") and viewname in [ "APIAccessTokenView", "OrganizationViewSet", ]: flag = False return flag